Access Direct Mail

Direct Mail 

Intelligent data driven media such as Direct Mail is core to our service offering. A well-executed Direct Mail campaign will make your audience feel valued & engaged, take action and create a multiplier effect across other media channels.

Why use direct mail

New research indicates that nearly 500 million more mailings are being opened and read compared to three years ago. On average a piece of addressed mail is kept in the recipients home for 17 days and 86% of people say they have connected with a business as a direct result of receiving mail.

The right impression

Direct Mail has the power to make people feel valued, grab their attention, give a good impression thus individuals invest more time digesting the offer. Useful and interesting mail does more than just sell today. As a result of receiving Direct Mail 39% of people advocated a product or service and 92 % said their valued mail made them feel something.

The multiplier effect

At a top level, mail has a much more powerful overall impact on the key measures of the neuroscience project than email or TV. Total ROI increased 12% when mail was included in the mix. Campaigns including mail were 40% more likely to deliver top-ranking acquisition levels than those without. 92% of individuals were driven online as a direct response to receiving an item of Direct Mail.

Source: Royal Mail MarketReach Why Mail?